All Categories - Naeemah Staggs | Chief Community Educator

Hey friends, My spring and summer was a blast and went by way too fast, but now my favorite...
December 28, 2023
I can’t believe a whole year has gone by since my last update! My bad y’all…geesh, so much to...
Little Miss A and I just got back from a week in Jamaica for a Mommy & Me retreat. She was super...
August 5, 2022
PERSONALLY Little Miss A finished 2nd grade on the Honor Roll and with multiple accolades from...
March 3, 2022
Here's a quick update on what's been happening with me personally, professionally and...
This month is Mental Health Awareness Month. What better time to stop and smell the flowers! Be...
April 1, 2021 · sexual abuse,child abuse,me too,child sexual abuse
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and the increase in news reports about allegations of...
Spring is a time for renewal and in this past year, my purpose has been completely renewed. I am...
March 19, 2021
2020 was a year! Ups and downs. Challenges that we have never before encountered, opportunities...